Have you ever ploughed resources into a marketing activity and haven’t got any results? Digital marketing returns can be tremendous if it’s used correctly, however, it also can be a money sucking pit if you don’t know what you’re doing or what solutions to look for. Accompanied by the infographic, below are five most common digital marketing challenges faced by small and medium businesses (source: smartinsights.com) and the best tactics and services to use to successfully overcoming them.
Turning leads into Customers (24% businesses found this challenging)
Once you pick up a lead, you want to turn that into a sale. Leads on their own can be great for marketing purposes, but you also want them to put money into your company. Some great ways to do this are by having your online presence analysed to maximise its effectiveness and conversions – Conversion Rate Optimisation. You can also give email marketing a try and target leads whose information you have but just need a little extra encouragement to make a purchase with a CRM strategy.
Generating Web Traffic (22% businesses found this challenging)
Make sure to generate more web traffic by increasing how close to the top your website will appear in search engines (SEO). You can also give pay-per-click (PPC) marketing a try, where you only have to pay for people who click on adverts directing to your website. There are many ways to generate more web traffic, but content marketing and social media tactics should definitely be on top of your list as well.
Finding Time or Resources for Digital Marketing (22% businesses found this challenging)
One of the hardest marketing challenges can be finding the time. If you don’t have the time, you don’t have it. This is where outsourcing to a digital marketing agency can make all the difference. If you want to keep it more in-house, you can also hire a consultant. Making sure that you have someone who knows the dangers and pitfalls of digital marketing, can mean you are well prepared for when something goes wrong, or a challenge rears its head.
Turning Web Traffic into Leads (19% businesses found this challenging)
You’ve managed to gain some web traffic, but now you want to turn that web traffic into leads. Well, the best way to do this is, again, to take a look at SEO or CRO services and tactics. Both of these solutions look at how your online presence and reputation can be improved to turn those elusive visitors into solid leads.
Retaining Customers Long-term (12% businesses found this challenging)
A staple of business longevity and strength is having a loyal and dedicated customer base. Long-term goals are crucial to ensuring this. Make sure that you have a digital marketing strategy mapped out and in place. Not only will this help you to prepare for the future, but it will ensure that you know where you are when any marketing challenges show up.
It’s also important to make sure that you have quality customer relationship management. Don’t just settle for customers which are content, make sure that they are incredibly happy. Digital marketing can help you to do this through content generation, social media, email marketing and much more.
Overall, It’s important that you face your digital marketing challenges head on and without hesitation. Above are the solutions suggested by us to the most common challenges which small and medium enterprises face when doing to digital marketing. However, there are others as well. Making sure that you have a good understanding of what will happen and a concrete strategy for moving forward, can vastly help to make sure that these challenges are tackled with confidence and amazing results.